EBAN PresidentCandace Johnson is a serial entrepreneur and a global infrastructure, network and innovation expert. She is a founder of SES, the world’s pre-eminent satellite group and initiated, conceived and architected SES Global for which she was bestowed the Commander of Merit by the Government of Luxembourg. (see more…) |
TBAA PresidentBaybars Altuntas is a global entrepreneur, best-selling author, angel investor, columnist, star of the Turkish version of the television show Dragons’ Den, President of the TBAA – Business Angels Association of Turkey, President of Deulcom International, Vice President of the European Trade Association for Business Angels, Seed Funds, and other Early Stage Market Players (EBAN), and the World Entrepreneurship Forum’s Ambassador to Turkey and the Balkan countries. (see more) |
CEO Post Privatization FoundationHighly experienced management professional, with over 17-year international experience in both profit and non-profit sectors, Mr Barta has been involved in the management of numerous national and international programs. (see more) |
Director at Bucharest Stock ExchangeCombines experience of working for a stock and derivatives exchange with proprietary trading for an investment bank. He joined Bucharest Stock Exchange in February 2014 and currently holds a position of the Director. (see more) |
Managing Partner – MELIOR CRASWith more than 15 years experience on the Romanian and East-European IT Market, Ioana is specialized in business solution localisation, marketing and sales. (see more) |
Public Speaker and trainerPublic Speaker and trainer since 1998, for companies such: IBM, HP, ING, Servier, AEGON, Banca Transilvania, Oriflame and others. |
Listing and Private Market Group Director in Borsa IstanbulSertac F. KARAAGAOGLU, Listing and Private Market Group Director in Borsa Istanbul. He has a banking career in some national and multinational banks for more than 15 years. (see more) |
Keynote speaker, trainerProfessor at ISEG, University of Lisbon and at ESEIG – Escola Superior de Estudos Industriais e de Gestão (Oporto). (see more) |
Politician, mathematicianVarujan Pambuccian is a Romanian politician, mathematician and he works in the IT&C field. (see more) |
Founder & Managing @GripADsHighly experienced management professional, with over 10-years online experience in both Marketing & Revenues, Mrs. Dancila has been involved in the management of numerous online projects. (see more) |
CEO MORE Green Energy & MORE Real Estate ServicesIlias is born in Katerini, Greece. He has 10 years of experience in mass media and marketing and was head of campaign in various electioneering, organizing tens of such campaigns. (see more) |
![]() Daniel Tiganila |
Co-founder of startups.ro, and Start&Grow,Entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience in investment consulting, new business, foreign investments in Romania. |
Co-founder BenefitOnline.roStelian has over ten years of experience in banking and finance segment, business-to -business relations, marketing and sales areas. (see more) |
Legal Advisor, founder at DecalexCristiana is a legal advisor, founder of Decalex Legal Solutions. Her company offers legal services tailor-made for entrepreneurs. (see more) |
Business Growth Consultant and Associated DeanSergiu is a Business Growth Consultant and Associated Dean with Maastricht School of Management in Romania. He coaches and mentors entrepreneurs. (see more) |
Vice President of INC S.A. (AeRO Authorized Advisor), member of The Supervisory Board of Carpathia Capital (listed on the AeRO)He graduated from the faculty of Marketing and Management at Zielona Góra University of Technology. He is the consultant of European Funds and the member of Polish Association for Energy Certification. (see more) |
Chairman Danubius Academic Consortium & Head of the Institute for Integral InnovationAuthor of the Integral Innovation Theory |
Associated professor, Author, initiator of the National Export Council of Romania and coordinator of National Export StrategyDr. Costin Lianu is associated professor in International Economic Relations, International Marketing and Branding and author of books and articles on export management strategies, branding, international trade and marketing. (see more) |
Co-founder at Bittnet Systems“You create your own opportunities.” Cristian Logofătu (35 years old) is a Romanian entrepreneur. Ambitious and creative, Cristian Logofătu has studied finance at the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest (licensed in 2003) and has a Masters in Computer Science at the Unviersity of Bucharest (graduated in 2006). (see more) |
Business Development lead for Europe and Latin America at GustDavid is the Business Development lead for Europe and Latin America at Gust, a platform that enables angel investors, VCs and accelerators to manage their dealflow and collaborate with entrepreneurs and startups. (see more) |
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Press Release 4 noiembrie 2015 12:45
Conferinta Business Angels Romania: „Investment Opportunities for European Emerging Markets”Business Angels Romania a organizat luni – miercuri, 2 – 4 noiembrie 2015, Conferinta „Investment Opportunities for European Emerging Markets”, eveniment care si-a propus sa stranga laolalta reprezentanti ai comunitatii de ‘Angel Investors’ din Romania. Cuvantul de deschidere a fost al invitatei speciale, Candace Johnson – Presedinte European Business Angels Network, domnia sa accentuand importanta pe care o capata investitiile din partea ‘angel investors’ inclusiv la nivel european, acestea totalizand peste 5 miliarde de euro in ultimii ani. In Romania, comunitatea Business Angels nu este inca foarte larga, insa exista cateva exemple relevante de programe care aduc in fata investitorilor afaceri investibile. Unul dintre acestea este „Start & Grow” condus de Daniel Tiganila (startups.ro); anul trecut, in urma trierilor si monitorizarilor afacerilor timp de mai multe luni, cateva business-uri au castigat finantare din partea unui grup de investitori. Un exemplu este Benefitonline.ro, platforma de beneficii pentru angajati, care lasa la alegerea acestora ce tip de pachete sa aleaga companiile pentru ei, comparativ cu modelul raspandit in care compania ofera o singura varianta pentru angajati. read more…. |