Dr. Costin Lianu is associated professor in International Economic Relations, International Marketing and Branding and author of books and articles on export management strategies, branding, international trade and marketing.
Former General Director, Export Development, in the Ministry of Economy is coordinating now ICCS, research Institute of the University Spiru Haret.
He is initiator of the National Export Council of Romania and coordinator of National Export Strategy 2005-2009, 2010-2014 and 2014-2020. Member of ITC Geneva export strategy network.
Coordinator, on behalf of the private organizations of the Export Council of priority area competitiveness in the Danube Strategy and one of the initiators of important flagship projects like branding Romanian Exporters, European Gateway Project, for promoting Romania as trade and logistical hub and others. He is founding member of Clustero, Romanian Association of Clusters and expert in cluster development and cluster branding.